2.3.6. Time ranges

2.3.6. Time ranges


Time ranges are helpful with generating a quick overview of when certain days happen. Enabling this makes uses of time ranges and/or rosters, for instance marking a color for a holiday.

For an example see: time ranges



Enabling time ranges is done through the features tab and ensure that you set "time ranges" to "yes". Then a tab “time ranges” will appear, and after configuring the datasource more information will show up to define. You can define the start, end and name of the time range.

Even more you can customize the styling of the time range. You can leave the TimeRange color empty so the default time range color will be used or use one of the preset custom color. See the enumeration “ENUM_Color“ for all available colors.



You can create flags (see image above) by setting the start and end date to the same value.